Comprehensive Communications Review

Is it time to expand and spread the word further?
Is it time to share your reputation and expertise?
How do you know when the time is right to communicate widely?
How do you create compelling, authentic stories and headlines?
How do you build effective and, importantly, maintain relationships with the media and your target audience?

How I work

We must deeply dive into your business and current communications to do this together. Through the review work, I thoroughly examine your existing communication practices to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and acknowledge where you are now.

We then understand where you want you and the business to go. I will consider your business objectives and create a business-centric approach to your communications. The strategic PR and communications plan will outline goals, target audiences, key messages, tactics and metrics for success.

Undertaking this comprehensive review and strategy project will transform your critical messages into well-written, cohesive formats that highlight fundamental and essential communications.

This will support and underpin your work to build your business, brand, service, or product.

Get the Full IPR Comms review!

This review and strategy report work will consider the following: -

  • Current engagement, connection, interaction, and promotion levels

  • Consider the Tone of the Voice

  • Carry out a SWOT

  • Review and set up KPIs and SMART goals

  • Consider Brand Personality

  • Identify key and target communication channels and target markets and audiences to focus.

“Kathryn at IPR Communications has been an integral asset to Eminent Wines for a number of years. From the initial PR Communications review and strategy, setting out the scope of the work ahead, to running media campaigns to promote our strongest bespoke, high-end wines and brands, including the Roger Daltrey champagne, the UB40 Red Red Wine and the Royal British Legion trio of Champagne. In the time Kathryn has supported us, we have won a number of credible awards and accolades and been represented at a number of UK music tours through digital competitions, articles and events. She has also been instrumental on a number of internal communications, including assisting on correspondence with their HRH's. Kathryn has the ability to grasp the objectives of the moment (within the plan) and help turn these into creative communications to gain the visibility needed.”

— Jerome, Founder, Eminent Wines