
These ultimate Sparkling PR Workshops explore public relations using the Champagne and Sparkling wine market analogy.

PS There will be an opportunity to taste either wine/champagne/non-alcoholic drinks, too!

Masterclass 1

Consider your internal communications…how do you stand out on the shelf?

In the quiet, peaceful, tranquil setting of the Cotswolds, I will guide you to be PR Media Campaign ready.

When you analyse champagne, wine and NOLO you use ALL your senses. We will apply the same analogy to discover what your business ‘looks,’ ‘smells,’ and ‘tastes’ like and consider your vineyard story! In stripping back and getting back to basics, we will build up your communications to ensure you have a credible, honest, professional brand ready to tell your authentic story. Authenticity is so crucial in your PR communications. You will leave empowered with your professional brand, ready to ‘go out’ through targeted external communication channels….time for Masterclass 2!

Masterclass 2

Now you are PR ready, but how do you pitch?

In the quiet, peaceful, tranquil setting of the Cotswolds, I will impart top tips on what to and what not to do to reach out with your communications and ensure you stand out in a busy marketplace. Continuing with the Champagne/sparkling/premium wine analogy, we will discover how to

  • Create a pitch

  • Select effective channels to send the pitch

  • Write a draft media release or two

  • Consider the heading

 You will leave with:

  •  A valid pitch or two

  • A media release

  • Top 10 tips to create an effective PR campaign

  • Top 5 tips of what not to do

  • Relevant PR channels to start to build credible relationships

Empowered with these honest, authentic hooks and angles, it’s time to give it a go! To effectively increase your visibility and grow your reputation in a busy and congested marketplace.

PS You won’t be left on your own! I will follow up with a 1-2-1 or two or arrange a further group session to ensure you are building that reputation tangibly and sustainably.

“For those not in the know, PR can be a minefield. Many don’t know where to start or, surprisingly, think PR is only for big businesses. Kathryn Allison has designed a workshop to dispel myths (fluffy PR has no place here) and explain the importance of educating and informing your target audience. I was invited to experience the workshop before it went live to the public. As someone involved in PR earlier in my career, I can honestly say you nab a space as soon as booking goes live. Hosted in the Cotswolds, the boardroom venue alone has the Wow! Factor (think boutique hotel vibes) and set a high standard for what follows.

There is an art to creating a workshop that genuinely educates and inspires delegates. If you’re looking for a good return on investment, this is plenty of theory and, importantly, time to put this into practice.

Tracey, Business Trainer